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Sunday, September 07, 2008

Live Options Mastery Class -- Is 97% Sold Out

classes start THIS Sunday, September 7th at 9PM
EST, and only limited spaces remain

It's not too late to watch the videos, and witness "up close and personal" some of the heartfelt comments from previous students.

One thing from a particular testimonial may be all you need to "make up your mind" if you're still on the fence about the Live Classes(See Dario's comment).

From Dario...

"The Popps appeared to be very sincere and highly pleased with
the results of their class.

I was impressed by the fact that they included the people aspect of the class, by praising the staff support, class interaction, and the personal aspects of the lessons and Ron's presentation.

I've never taken an options class before, but I did sign-up for the next one.

If I had doubts about this course, the Popps testimonial quelled those doubts.

I'm looking forward to an exciting, interactive, highly educational experience with the ?Options Mastery Course?..."

Options University recorded their live webinar last night for
you to review over the weekend...

In this one-hour presentation, options expert Ron Ianieri showed
Traders, live, how select options strategies (when learned and
used properly) can really SUPERCHARGE your trading results...

At the very least, it can reduce your risk and increase your

Here's that replay link for you to review:

Ron's Live Options Mastery Classes

For more information about Ron's Live Options Mastery online
classes starting soon, please go here:

Live Classes


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