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Thursday, October 09, 2008

Transfer of Wealth - Whose Got the Trillions?

Whose Got Your Money?

Yes, the trillions are mounting the stock market spirals out of control. You may be wondering about the loss in stock holder's portfolios - where is it going?

Friends the transfer of wealth is taking place from the people who know nothing(us) to the people "in the know". We've trusted the banks, the government and all the financial controls and now we watch as the system falls to bits!

Investors Will Chase Gold?

What is the Solution?

This is the time to get one will protect you. You must be pro-active. Get the knowledge and expertise and move your money. Yes the market could recover...just like the banks?

We don't know how far the markets will fall. Your retirement fund is now at risk and you must act to protect what is left. Don't put anymore money into the stock market through your retirement plan, rather look at diversifying.

People talk about the risks of trading and about prudent investment advice - well it looks like the regulators have fallen asleep on the job as banks go broke. It is time for you to become proactive and look after your own money. The regulators are not going to save you now. It's always the same - they react after the sky falls.

Cover Your Bases

* Debt can be a double edge sword so look at your finances today. Credit can send you broke so look at your state of credit card debt today.

* Next start to manage your money. You need to learn how to do this.

* Rescue your money by cutting your losses. Falling stocks will take a long time to correct and return your value, so you need to look for new growth, whether it's starting your own business and moving money into a different investment.

Time to Act Webinar

* Look At Forex

- become familiar with forex trading(allows you to trade in the direction of the market UP or DOWN.

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- trading your own account or getting a managed account

Free Forex Webinar


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