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Saturday, October 04, 2008

Dollar Index Video - Where to Next?

You can view a 2 part video on the Dollar Index by using this link: Video here!

Want to Win 6 DVD's on Technical Analysis?
Join the contest on this blog and you could be the winner of 6 DVD's on technical analysis. It's easy to compete in the contest.

Go here for auto-pilot trading.

First Trade with my Trading Slave - a Profit!

This is good news - it shows we are on course. I don't care about the size of the profits - consistency is more important and I can scale up the number of lots I trade. Note my buy was...0.10.

Closed Transactions:
2008.10.02 07:44 balance Deposit 5 000.00

2008.10.03 15:33
buy 0.10 eurusd 1.3813 1.3163 0.0000 2008.10.03 15:34 1.3824 0.00 0.00 0.00 11.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 11.00
Closed P/L: 11.00

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