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Friday, March 18, 2011

Track Your Custom Exchange Traded Funds Portfolio

Why an ETF Portfolio Instead of Stocks?

Look at it this way. If one stock goes down, that's it. If you bought it to make profits now you have to close the trade or wear the loss.

On the other hand, your ETF funds gives you exposure to stocks, commodities, currencies or bonds and your future profits do not depend solely on ONE of the funds investments - you are a little bit more diversified. If stocks are not doing so well, maybe there are commodity funds doing better. You can choose your exposure and close out your positions quickly.

Currency ETFS

Check out this quick demo Bill recorded that shows you how 2 ETFs that have been making big news headlines lately, perform in his custom portfolio. Are the "talking heads" on the big cable financial shows full of it? Or do these ETFs warrant further inspection?

Check it out here...

Portfolio Prophet Available Soon!

After you watch Bill's new video, join his "CUT IN LINE" list which will get you a one hour jump on the rest of the world when it goes "live" on Monday.

Every time I've seen him release a new product it sells out faster than expected; and from all the "buzz" surrounding the Portfolio Prophet and the hundreds of comments that flooded his training site, I expect the same thing to happen again. If you're NOT on Bill's "Cut In Line" list, I can't promise you'll be able to get on board in time before it sells out.


Portfolio Profit ETF Tading Alerts

The key to good trading is being able to follow and understand a successful trading system.

Now watch the video series!